Alain Lévy
A renowned bridge author and player, he was born in Casablanca on 14th July 1949. He has earned three World Champion tit...
Andrew Robson
Andrew Robson OBE is England’s best known bridge player. Andrew has represented England for some 30 years. His many co...
Baptiste Combescure
This young bridge player of 29 has won three bronze medals in World Championships in 2012, 2014 and 2017. Raised in a fa...
Christian Burguet
Jean-Pierre Desmoulins
This multiple vice-champion of France was born on 28th January 1978. He was the departmental director for the FFB (Frenc...
Jérémie Tignel
Jérémie Tignel is a multiple French bridge champion. As an experienced player, he brilliantly succeeded in joining the...
Jérome et Léo Rombaut
Julien Bernard
Larry Cohen
Larry Cohen is one of America’s top writers and teachers, having semi-retired from top-level competition in 2009. His ...
Le Bridgeur
Marc Kerlero
An FFB-certified teacher, Marc Kerlero has been teaching bridge since 1980. The former Junior European champion and many...
Marc Smith
Marc Smith was in the Great Britain team that won the European Junior Teams Championship in 1985. His 25 Bridge Conventi...
Margaux Kurek-Beaulieu
This young French champion is part of Team Funbridge. When not playing bridge, she does plenty of walks and visits and o...
Mark Horton
Mark Horton, Chief Editor to the WBF and EBL is a prolific writer, his many books including award winning collaborations...
Michel Bessis
Nicolas Lhuissier
U21 World Champion in Beijing in 2008 and Junior Champion of Europe in Brasov in 2009, he has been teaching bridge in a ...
Norbert Lébely
Bridge teacher passionate about education, Norbert Lébely contributed to several bestsellers, including the book collec...
Olivier Giard
The multiple French Champion has been playing bridge for over 35 years and is a graduate teacher of the “Université d...
Patty Tucker
Grand Life Master Patty Tucker was inducted into the ACBL’s Hall of Fame in 2019. For the last several decades she has...
Pete Hollands
Pete Hollands started playing when he was 14 and is now a professional bridge player & teacher ( w...
Philippe Cronier
This formidable player was born in Ermont, near Paris. He was the director of teaching at the University of Bridge for 2...
Philippe Cronier & Michel Bessis
Pierre Saporta
Robert Eskinazi
“Première série” in the FFB rankings and assistant lecturer in Lyon, Robert Eskinazi is the manager of the MVI Clu...
Vincent Gallais
Wilfried Libbrecht
Teaching and Associate Director of the Bridge College website, he is the national coach of the FFB Youth teams. As a fou...
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