Alfredo Versace and Antonio Sementa.
© WBF / Arianna Testa
This year the World Bridge Federation’s World Bridge Tour goes “live”. The competition ranks the performance of partnerships, as opposed to individuals or teams, in international bridge events over the course of the year. Players can be ranked in more than one partnership, which was a feature of the “dummy run” in 2023. At the end of the year, the leading partnerships will be invited to the Tour Final, a concept that is already embraced by sports such as golf, tennis and chess, which will be staged early in 2025. It is the intention of the WBF that in terms of average strength, the Tour Final will be the prime international event on the bridge calendar.
Last year 893 partnerships appeared on the list, which was headed by Antonio Sementa and Alfredo Versace, who amassed 514 TRPs (Tour Ranking Points). They were followed by Thomas Bessis and Cédric Lorenzini with 455 and Sjoert Brink and Bas Drijver on 440.