W | N | E | S |
1♥ | |||
Pass | 2♦ | Pass | 2NT(*) |
Pass | 3♦ | Pass | 3♠ |
Pass | 6NT |
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TEAMS. DEALER EAST, N/S VUL. It happens occasionally that we don’t get spoiled when the cards are dealt. And that is exactly what you just fell victim of since your current West hand has only microscopic cards and 1 tiny…
In previous articles, we have discussed the importance of the extra trick in matchpoint pairs, and the measured risks that declarer was sometimes led to take in an attempt to obtain a better score. The purpose of this article is to deal…
Larry Cohen focuses on the aids to slam bidding, starting with a first look at one of the most famous conventions of them all. Once a partnership is in the slam zone, either player might use Blackwood. “Regular” (or “Plain”)…
TWELVE IMPORTANT BRIDGE LESSONS ON DEFENSE David Bird The instructive material in this book is presented in a novel way, as if the author is delivering a series of bridge lessons to a small group of enthusiasts. Occasionally, members of…
TEAMS. DEALER SOUTH, NONE VUL. Sitting South, you have just picked up your hand and see that it weighs no less than 23HCP: ♠ AKQJ♥ K2♦ KJ6♣ AQ43 You of course open 2♣, before rebidding 2NT. North first bids 2♦, relay, and then signs…
This month, you’ll have a single hand and will have to answer a series of questions on a variety of themes, ending with a dummy play. Sitting South, non-vulnerable versus vulnerable you hold: ♠ AKJ98 ♥ 6♦ AQJ108 ♣ A4 1 How do you open that…
North-South have reached a very poor contract. As so often, each of the two players considers that his partner is responsible for the accident. And you, what do you think? This month we will be looking at: Major-suit raises by opener.…
American Championship on BBO. Today, you identify with Anam Tebha, a talented young American player.She plays a championship on BBO and finds herself declaring 4 Spades after a non-contested auction. W N E S ANAM TEBHA Pass 1♣ Pass 1♠…
Every poker player loves to pick up Aces, aka American Airlines or Weapons of Mass Destruction. You should also get that warm, fuzzy feeling when your bridge hand contains aces. Start by considering these two hands… HAND A♠ Q7642 ♥ Q62♦ KQ7♣ K7 HAND B♠ A7642 ♥ 962♦ A73♣ A7…
W N E S 1♥ Pass 2♦ Pass 2NT(*) Pass 3♦ Pass 3♠ Pass 6NT (*) Best played as 15-19 and forcing to game facing a Two-over-One response. West led the 9 of Spades v your 6 No-Trumps, you beating East’s…
This Sunday, the Girls are allowed a table of their own at the training session for the French Open team. That way, they can compare themselves with the best French pairs. At the end of the session, Isabelle, a little disappointed, tells…
COMMUNICATIONS AND COORDINATION ARE THE KEYS TO DEFENSIVE PLAY IN BRIDGE. W N E S 1♥ Pass 1NT Pass 2NT Pass 3NT Lead: ♦3, for the 6 in dummy. Which card do you play? Whether you’re a novice or an experienced defender,…
In this traditional section of BRIDGERAMA+,we invite you to bid with the partner of your choice. Ready to bid ? West’s hands East’s hands The expert’s eye You have access to this section because your partner has shared this article with…
This month’s questions come from the latest ALT Online contest: Grand Life Master Patty Tucker was inducted into the ACBL’s Hall of Fame in 2019. For the last several decades she has devoted more time to teaching and developing material…
W | N | E | S |
1♥ | |||
Pass | 2♦ | Pass | 2NT(*) |
Pass | 3♦ | Pass | 3♠ |
Pass | 6NT |
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