Larry Cohen focuses on the aids to slam bidding, starting with a first look at one of the most famous conventions of them all.
Once a partnership is in the slam zone, either player might use Blackwood.
“Regular” (or “Plain”) Blackwood:
4NT asks for aces and then:
- 5♣ = 0 or 4 Aces.
- 5♦ = 1 Ace.
- 5♥ = 2 Aces.
- 5♠ = 3 Aces.
The asker can then bid 5NT to ask for Kings, with the same schedule of replies, one level higher.
This convention has been around since the 1940’s. It is a most helpful convention but is often misused and abused. Blackwood should not be used as a crutch to determine if there is a slam, but more to make sure that you don’t reach a slam off two Aces (nor a grand slam off one Ace).
A good rule of thumb: if the answer to Blackwood won’t tell you if you belong in slam, then don’t use it.
What is RKC and why use it?
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