Sometimes, declarer doesn’t have the possibility of a ruff in the short hand at the start of the play, but he can manage to create one thanks to a discard. Let’s illustrate this with a very simple example:
W | N | E | S |
1♥ | |||
Pass | 2♣ | Pass | 2NT |
Pass | 3♥ | Pass | 3♠ |
Pass | 3NT | Pass | 4♦ |
Pass | 4NT | Pass | 5♠ |
Pass | 6♥ |
Lead: ♣3.
South could try to set up the Clubs, but the lead in the suit is suspicious and let us assume that it is a singleton. It is better to try to get a ruff in the short hand. Of course, this does not mean ruffing a high Diamond, but a Spade – after having created a ruff that does not exist at the start by discarding one of dummy’s small Spades on the third round of Diamonds. But be careful! South does not have this additional trick yet at the moment when he discards a Spade. It only becomes his when he ruffs a Spade in dummy. In order to limit the risks of losing a ruff or overruff, South must take care of a precise timing: Ace of Clubs, two rounds of Hearts, carefully keeping the King in dummy, three rounds of Diamonds while discarding the 4 of Spades, and then King of Spades, a Spade to the Ace and a Spade ruff with the King of trumps.
W | N | E | S |
1♠ | |||
Pass | 2♠ | Pass | 2NT |
Pass | 3♦ | Pass | 3♠ |
Pass | 4♠ |
Lead: ♦K
The idea is to create a Heart ruff in dummy after discarding on the Clubs, but be careful with the timing! If you start with the Spade finesse, the defense may be able to play three rounds of trumps before you can get your ruff. You need to start on Clubs immediately, until they take the Ace. When you regain the lead discard a Heart from dummy on the third round of Clubs, ruff your losing Heart with the Spade 9 and, only now, you can try the finesse against the King of Spades, for a possible overtrick in case it is onside.
W | N | E | S |
1♥ | |||
Pass | 2♥ | Pass | 4♥ |
Lead: ♦J
The Diamond lead creates an emergency situation that prohibits you from starting with the trump suit. Win the lead in hand and play a small Spade towards the Queen. If East has the King, you cannot afford a trump loser. However, if West has the Spade King, he must play it on the first round. He will then continue with another Diamond to dummy’s King. Unblock the Queen of Spades, play a Heart to the Ace (certainly no finesse!), the Ace of Spades, discarding a Diamond and a Diamond ruffed with the 10 before reverting to the trump suit.