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43 - NOVEMBER 2023

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No other choice…

It is not uncommon that when declarer sees the dummy, he realizes that he will most probably go down. In previous articles, we discussed what strategy he should apply while making his declarer plan when the contract is normal (the one played on most tables). This is the rule: in matchpoint pairs, when your chances to make a contract that was bid in a “normal” manner are weak, then don’t risk going down more than necessary if you have the possibility to limit the damage. Rather than trying to make at all costs, opt for a non-making line of play, if it assures you of going down as little as possible.

We will see that the reasoning is fundamentally different if the contract you bid is “abnormal“. In the following deal, you play as West opposite a partner who shows himself much too optimistic during the auction:

Dealer West, All Vul.

2NTPass4♣ !Pass
5Pass6SA !

Let’s take stock

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Robert Eskinazi

“Première série” in the FFB rankings and assistant lecturer in Lyon, Robert Eskinazi is the manager of the MVI Club bridge school in Villeurbanne. After graduating from a business school, he devoted more time to his childhood passion: bridge. Today he is best known for writing the book collection “Passeport pour le bridge” (Passport To Bridge) and the bestseller “Le tournoi par paires” (Pairs Tournament).

Articles: 16

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