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46 - FEBRUARY 2024

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I’m a firm believer in making the game as enjoyable as possible but that doesn’t mean I have to let the opponents have a comfortable time during the auction.

So, here’s an auction that almost never occurs when I’m sitting in the North-South direction at the table:


Let’s see why.

Counting Trumps

In the above auction, we know the opponents have at least an eight-card fit. East has a five-card or longer Heart suit for the 1 opening and West has at least three-card support to raise. They are very happy to be in 2 Hearts because nothing bad can happen to them. If they make 2 Hearts, great. If they don’t make 2 Hearts, that’s fine also because some contract should make the other way.

So, our goal is: don’t let them do it! Being -110, the score the opponents receive for making 2 Hearts is not the way to win. It’s unacceptable. We must go out of our way to accomplish the following objective

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Larry Cohen

Larry Cohen is one of America’s top writers and teachers, having semi-retired from top-level competition in 2009. His To Bid or Not to Bid; The LAW of Total Tricks is one of the best-selling bridge books of all time.

Articles: 10

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