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Opener’s Rebids and Overcalls In this three-part series Larry Cohen explains the difference between bids which are forcing for one round, forcing to game or non-forcing. Rebids Raises of No-Trump (even 4NT) are natural and not forcing. Repeating a previously…
Bridge’s first hippie BOOK 2 1983 to Present Peter Weichsel The Next Forty Years… Peter Weichsel has been part of great teams (C.C. Wei’s Precision Team in the 1970s, and the Aces later on), and has won everything it is…
TEAMS.DEALER SOUTH, ALL VUL. As South, you are the dealer and open your two-suiter of 17HCP with 1♠: ♠ QJ1098♥ KQJ9♦ A♣ A97 After a 2-over-1 game forcing 2♦ and your rebid, your partner shows slam interest through a jump to 3♠, initiating a…
North-South have reached a very poor contract. As so often, each of the two players considers that his partner is responsible for the accident. And you, what do you think? This month we will be looking at: Strong reverses. Easy.…
Norwegian Championship (IMP teams). You are sitting South in the seat of Christian Bakke, a young Norwegian champion, at the helm of this slam. W N E S 1♠ Pass 3♠ Pass 4♣ Pass 4♦ Pass 4NT Pass 5♥ Pass 6♠…
In this new section, tournament players chat about a deal with Sally Brock, a multiple world champion from England. Sally: Board 14 was interesting. What happened at your table? North: I was dummy. What do you think I should bid…
A conundrum. See if you can make 7 Hearts on the King of Diamonds lead, East petering with the nine to show a likely doubleton. W N E S 1♥ Pass 4NT(1) Pass 5♣(2) Pass 5NT(3) Pass 6♣(4) Pass 7♥(5)…
This Sunday, two of my Girls finish the yearly pairs competition in their department. Marjorie and Carla narrowly missed qualification for the national final. I come behind them at the very end of the session. Marjorie jumps to 6♠ opposite the 3♠ overcall by…
Have a look at the following deal, where you are sitting East: Dealer North – All Vul. The bidding: W N E S 1♣ Pass 1♦ Pass 2NT Pass 3♦ x West leads the 9 of Clubs, declarer calls for…
TEAMS.DEALER SOUTH, E/W VUL. Sitting East, you pick up a hand with 7HCP, five Spades and four Hearts: ♠ 109876 ♥ K1032 ♦ 75♣ A2 Your opponents don’t take long to reach 3 No-Trump: W N E S 1NT Pass 2♣ Pass 2♠ Pass 3NT Which…
RISK-TAKING IS AN INHERENT PART OF THE DEFENSE,BUT MASTERING THE RIGHT DOSAGE IS OF THE ESSENCE. W N E S 2♦ 3♦ Pass Pass 4♥ Lead: ♣10. The 6 from dummy, the 2 from your partner and declarer wins with the…
In this traditional section of BRIDGERAMA+,we invite you to bid with the partner of your choice. Ready to bid ? West’s hands East’s hands The expert’s eye You have access to this section because your partner has shared this article with…
This month’s questions come from the final of the Spingold Trophy in Toronto. Grand Life Master Patty Tucker was inducted into the ACBL’s Hall of Fame in 2019. For the last several decades she has devoted more time to teaching…