An uppercut is a technique of trump promotion.
Take this layout of trumps:
♠ 5432 | ||
♠ J6 | ■ | ♠ Q7 |
♠ AK1098 |
If West leads a suit in which East and declarer are both void, and East ruffs with the Queen, declarer can overruff with the King but West’s Jack is now promoted.
Here’s a double uppercut from a past Lords-Commons match:
W | N | E | S |
3♠ | |||
4♣(1) | 4♠(2) |
(2) Tempting to double 4♣, although North expects his four quick tricks in the red suits to enable partner to make 4 Spades. Certainly, the vulnerability favors bidding 4♠, hungry for the vulnerable game bonus and not expecting a commensurate penalty from doubling the non-vulnerable 4♣.
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