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41 - SEPTEMBER 2023

41 - SEPTEMBER 2023


In matchpoint pairs, it is almost always opportune to balance when the opponents have found a fit and still stop at the two-level. However – and you have certainly seen that in regular Club tournaments – many players do not…

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“Impossible bids”

North-South have reached a very poor contract. As so often, each of the two players considers that his partner is responsible for the accident. And you, what do you think?

This month we look at: “Impossible bids”.
[Comment: A bid is said to be impossible when it cannot be natural.]

Problem 1 

The facts
An excellent Diamond game was “forgotten” in both rooms; the opponents at the other table were satisfied with a simple raise to 3. Let’s listen to the arguments of our candidates who were closer to getting to the correct contract.

North: “I understood that your 2♠ bid was not natural but I took it for values in Spades and Diamond support. I only have 12HCP and your points in Spades fall opposite my singleton. Under these conditions, it takes a miracle to get eleven tricks.”
South: “I understand your reasoning but I have not found a good alternative bid to show a maximum with excellent Diamond support. 3is insufficient, and 4 extremist. 3 over 2♠ doesn’t promise additional length. You can have only four Diamonds – I don’t think I can make a second effort.”

This article is reserved for BRIDGERAMA+ subscribers.

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Alain Lévy

A renowned bridge author and player, he was born in Casablanca on 14th July 1949. He has earned three World Champion titles as a member of the French Open team and has also won countless national titles. He writes articles about leading in bridge for Bridgerama+, as well as Figaro Magazine. He mainly provides analysis of his own games on the blog. Picture © Caroline Moreau.

Articles: 45

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