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We have previously studied Takeout and Negative Doubles. A Takeout Double is made after the opponents open. A Negative Double is made by responder after an overcall. This month, we move into a very important family of Doubles, starting with…
ON THE OTHER HAND DEFENSE ON THE OTHER HAND David Bird & Larry Cohen In these unusual books, David Bird and Larry Cohen combine to present cardplay and defence instruction in a new way. 100 pairs of deals are shown…
TEAMS.DEALER SOUTH – NONE VUL. With 20HCP and two-suited distribution, your South hand is quite impressive: ♠ A5432♥ AR♦ RV32♣ AV How do you open that hand?Given the weak nature of your five-card major, 1♠ is the only imaginable opening bid…
Each suggested North hand has either 12 or 14 cards. Among the three suggestions, you have to choose the right card to add or to take away. Correct answers to level 1 questions are worth 4 points, those at level 2 give 6 points. LEVEL 1…
North-South have reached a very poor contract. As so often, each of the two players considers that his partner is responsible for the accident. And you, what do you think? This month we look at: “Impossible bids”.[Comment: A bid is…
World Team Championships in Marrakech, Venice Cup. You find yourself in the seat of Maria Elena Iacapraro, player of the Argentinian national team, as South. You must strive to win the Heart slam after you were doubled by your right-hand opponent.…
Last month, we considered what sort of hand partner needs to come in with an overcall after the opponents have opened with a weak two bid. What we discovered is that he needs a considerably better hand to bid 2♠ over…
An uppercut is a technique of trump promotion. Take this layout of trumps: ♠ 5432 ♠ J6 ■ ♠ Q7 ♠ AK1098 If West leads a suit in which East and declarer are both void, and East ruffs with the Queen, declarer can overruff…
This Sunday, Marjorie plays the regional final of the Inter-Club teams competition. We talk about a deal in which my partner, sitting North, brutally bid 3NT opposite my 1♣ opening.The girls play inverted minors, where they can cheaply bid 2♣ over 1♣ with…
In matchpoint pairs, it is almost always opportune to balance when the opponents have found a fit and still stop at the two-level. However – and you have certainly seen that in regular Club tournaments – many players do not…
It is important to understand the difference between an open ruff and a closed ruff. A ruff is said to be open if it can be made without losing a trick in the suit of the ruff. Examples of open…
TEAMS.DEALER EAST. – E/W VUL. You are sitting East. As the dealer, you carefully take note of the two-suited distribution and 7HCP of your hand before passing: ♠ A432♥ 2♦ QJ5432♣ 32 All it takes your opponents to reach 4…
SIGNALLING WELL IS OBVIOUSLY IMPORTANT… BUT IT’S EVEN MORE IMPORTANT THAT PARTNER USES THE SIGNALS CORRECTLY! W N E S 1♣ Pass 1♦ 1♥ 1♠ 3♥ Lead: ♦2.East goes up with the Ace (the Jack from South) and plays back the Diamond…
In this traditional section of BRIDGERAMA+,we invite you to bid with the partner of your choice. Ready to bid ? West’s hands East’s hands The expert’s eye You have access to this section because your partner has shared this article with…
Grand Life Master Patty Tucker was inducted into the ACBL’s Hall of Fame in 2019. For the last several decades she has devoted more time to teaching and developing material for students, experiencing a deep satisfaction in sharing with others…